Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sand Magic

If youre like me, you must think, "Dust Storm", awesome.  Movies show them taking down planes, burying hapless travelers, and rolling in like a wall on the horizon.  Also, dont they sometimes have mummy faces?

I planned to answer these questions and more when I learned that certain activities were to be cancelled due to an imminent sand storm on the morrow.  So there I was, thinking about life in my tent, knowing that we were being blocked in by walls of sand as i spoke.  Exciting, no?  The answer turns out to be no.

Luckily, Army wanted me to be an expert on sand storms so they made us work in one!  There I was standing outside, being blasted by wind, thinking how much of a let down this was.  No walls, no downed aircraft, and no mummies.  Just wind and dirt.  Its hazy, like someone is burning underbrush, thick enough to block your sight 20 feet in front of you like fog and its gusting winds.  I do mean gusting.  Constant winds of 15 MPH keep the air full of brown gold, and then at 25 MPH wind blasts fresh dirt into your eyes and mouth.

I was not amused.

Point is, I have yet again let a child hood dream ruin my adult day.  If I had just thought it would be miserable, I wouldnt have been disappointed.  Lots of eye drops, new uniforms, another shower and I still never found a magical city OR any of Saddam's gold.  One week down, 37 to go.

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